Wednesday, April 11, 2018


I'm returning from a trip to Japan -- will be home very soon.  Unfortunately, I don't think it was good for my brain-health discipline.  There were a couple of reasons.
  1. Japanese food is carbohydrate-intensive.  Not so much because of the terrible excesses of sugar in American food, but because rice is so ubiquitous.  And it was very hard to find leafy green vegetables in any quantity.  On the other hand, there was plenty of fish, and I like sashimi.  I'll say this -- I usually don't care for Japanese food, at least as I find it in the US.  But the I really enjoyed the food in Japan.  I put on several pounds.
  2. Of the six or so hotels we stayed in Japan, only three had an exercise room with a treadmill.  One cost about $6 (which I took advantage of) and the others cost $30+ for one visit.  I couldn't quite bring myself to pay that much.  Fortunately, we did a lot of walking on the tour.
  3. I rarely slept well.  Jet lag was a problem, but the unfamiliar environment likely interfered as well.  We also discovered that it's a good idea to turn off you cell phone at night.  We were awakened by couple of scam calls from sources believing we were in a US time zone.  It was hard to get back to sleep.  The plane flights were very long, and I can't sleep on a plane.
  4. I had some disruptions in my insulin schedule.  This was mostly around air travel.  On the assumption that the insulin is helping, I'm hoping that irregular application won't hurt my progress.
On the way home, I stopped in Hawaii where I was able to use a relative's treadmill to try to catch up on aerobic exercise.

The trip was a lot of fun, and I took a lot of pictures.

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