Monday, October 3, 2022

Beating the Dementia Monster now in Spanish

Today we published a Spanish language edition of Beating the Dementia Monster on Amazon.  Or Cómo vencer al monstruo de la demencia: Cómo detuve el avance del deterioro cognitivo de la enfermedad neurodegenerativa.  So far, it's just in paperback.  It will take some more work to craft and publish the Kindle version, but that's coming.

I've been working on this for some time, assisted by my friend Alejandro Garcia Ceballos.  Alex has been a great help to me on a number of things, going back to when I needed to learn Spanish in a very big hurry to teach biology in the high school.  (My main tutor was Carlos in Ecuador, but Alex supplemented what Carlos was teaching me.)

It's only been on the market for a couple of hours, so I haven't sold any copies yet.  With the English edition I needed to start a sales campaign, but I have no idea about how to do that for the Spanish market.

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