Wednesday, February 13, 2019

Snow Is Messing Things Up!

Last Sunday, I was to be interviewed by a reporter for KVEW TV.  Then this Friday (Feb 15) I was to speak at a meeting of a governmental Advisory Council at the TRAC in Pasco, WA.  But neither are happening, at least not on schedule.  The Pacific Northwest has had a bunch of snow and freezing rain, and a lot of activities are paralyzed.  The reporter will talk to me tomorrow about a reschedule, and the public speaking opportunity is postponed to April 17.

The TV interview will likely happen soon enough, but I'm disappointed in how far off they've had to push the speaking engagement.  Speaking to the Washington State Council on Aging in Seattle (Seatac) is contingent on a successful event in Pasco.

When the TV interview is done I hope to post a notice on when it will air.  As far as I can tell, KVEW is available on the internet through Hulu. 

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